By choosing us as your local charity this Christmas you will be giving hope to bereaved siblings

This festive season we have two ways you can get involved

the big give

Every donation made during this week will be DOUBLED!

Raising funds to continue the #TogetherProject which is our monthly youth group which supports bereaved siblings aged 11-16 yrs to meet others and know that they are not alone.

The death of a sibling is a deeply traumatic experience which can impact a young persons life in many ways and they face a specific set of challenges that can be difficult to navigate.

The young people we support can take part in lots of activities that support their grief journey and meet with others their age with a similar experience. 

All donations made to our Big Give campaign will be DOUBLED! 

This very special campaign will launch on Tuesday 28th November at MIDDAY!


Every penny you give will be used to provide Bodie’s Treasured Memory bags to bereaved siblings across the UK.

Bodie’s Treasured Memory Bags are filled with grief resources to encourage conversations about death, understand grief and remember their sibling.

The contents encourage children to share their worries and feelings with others. They are our gift to support families to remember and grieve together and we can send 2 bags per family. 

bring light to a child's darkest days

With your help we can provide more Bodie's Treasured Memory Bags to bereaved siblings across the UK

“Bea and Dottie forever sisters” – read how our bag has supported big sister Bea. 


Support The Bodie Hodges Foundation this December by donating what you would normally spend on your Secret Santa gift.As let's be honest, no one wants that novelty mug... Less hassle + less waste = more families supported


Christmas Jumper Day is on Thursday 7 December, but you can take part any day you want!Get everyone involved by wearing their favourite jumpers or those novelty socks, glittery headband or antlers!Ask everyone to donate for joining in!


Before you clock off for the Christmas break, please consider donating your last hour of pay to our Christmas appeal.Every hour of support makes a huge difference to help us to be there children who no longer have their sibling to share Christmas with.


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Our Impact

Our first Impact Report is here! The report highlights our continued commitment to support families bereaved of a child.

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